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  • +977 9851085646 / 9841812531 / 9851141885
  • info@himalayawaldorf.edu.np

Himalaya Waldorf School

Himalaya Waldorf School was established in 2018 by a group of parents seeking a balance between modernization and spiritual life. Their goal was to educate the mind, body, and spirit. They observed that the traditional education system primarily focused on information gathering and intellectual analysis, lacking emphasis on self-control and life skills. Despite the traditional system's claim to provide holistic education, there were significant gaps in these areas, leading to the establishment of the Himalaya Waldorf School. This institution serves as a place where teachers, guardians, parents, and children can learn and grow together. It addresses the needs of parents and students for holistic development, not only in early childhood but also through grade 12. At Himalaya Waldorf School, we collaboratively strive for quality, holistic education, treating children with respect and reverence. It is our privilege to accompany these children in their development.

Dear Himalaya Waldorf School Community,

As we commence a new term, I extend a warm welcome back to all students, parents, teachers, and staff. It is with great excitement that I share our plans for this term, including enhanced learning opportunities, a continued focus on well-being, and strengthened community engagement efforts. We value the partnership with our parents and encourage active involvement in school activities. Together, let us create a supportive environment where every student can thrive. Thank you for your ongoing dedication to our school's mission. Here's to a term filled with growth, discovery, and success at Himalaya Waldorf School!

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Why Choose Us

Waldorf education, developed by Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), offers a holistic approach to a child’s education, addressing their intellectual, emotional, and physical needs. It emphasizes equal growth in these areas, nurturing children into emotionally healthy, well-rounded individuals. Through music, arts, handwork, sculpture, stories, and movement, Waldorf education educates the whole child—body, mind, and spirit—while meeting their developmental stages. This innovative curriculum has proven itself in many countries over the past century. Today, there are over 1,100 Waldorf schools and more than 2,000 preschools worldwide. “Waldorf education is not a pedagogical system but an art- the art of awakening what is there within the human being.” - Rudolf Steiner

Professional Lecturer's

We have a set of highly professional team of teachers and provie the best of education to our students.

Scholarship Facility

We provide scholar facility to our students and encourage the students to achieve success

Books and Library

We want our students to have a better education and have arranged a facility for books.

Our Teachers

Our mission is to provide quality education of global standard that makes individuals intellectually competent, morally sound and physically a complete being. For quality education, there is a need for skilled teachers, adequate physical infrastructure and adequate teaching materials, diligent students and conscious parents. No student can fail just because of studying in this Himalaya Waldorf School, because there is a proper environment for students to study. Besides skilled and experienced teachers, there is an honest parents’ and a determined school management committee. Similarly, the school administration is efficient, experienced, diligent and committed.

Our Latest Blog

We have lots of stories with us at Himalaya Waldorf School, here are some as follows:

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Our Testimonials

We at Himalaya Waldorf School focus on our children's future and give them the best environment to study and grow.

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